Breakfast Update - 3rd November
We had promised ROCstars a special event this week and it was delivered! The dedication for Remembrance Day was expertly put together by our President, Peter Lawrance which included a minute's silence for our fallen, a brief history about the significance of the Day itself and even the gorgeous tunes of that amazing song, True Blue by John Williamson. This event pulled at the heartstrings, as much as it was respectful and relevant to where we are now in Australia in 2016. We also need to credit Peter for recruiting Robyn Walshe to provide the main presentation! Robyn was, quite simply, amazing! Robyn is a business consultant whose prime focus is on people, productivity and performance. She shared with us her experiences having visited the National ANZAC Centre in Albany, as well as the issue of 'stress' and the impact it had on people both during and after the war. Fast forward 100 years into the future and Robyn talked about stress as it relates to our lives now. We participated in an exercise to analayse where we are personally and how much stress we might be dealing with.
While we cannot imagine the realities of war, especially those who lived in it over 100 years ago, we can understand that as fellow human beings such experiences would have brought with it unimaginable pain, suffering and torment, not only for the soldiers but also the loved ones whom they left behind. On 11th November, please take time to reflect on Remembrance Day and the Legacy they created for all Australians. In other news this week, It was announced that Climb for a Smile is being moved to Spring 2017. It was decided that the cooler weather would be more conducive to the nature of the event, placing less physical stress on participants by avoiding the hot conditions. Cat Ferrie has also been collecting donations of socks, thongs and toiletries for the Street Doctor - bring along your contributions to our next Thursday event. Finally, Lisa Rossi reminded everyone about the strategy meeting taking place on Tuesday 8th November. Its aim will be to set the future path for the Club. If you want to attend and have your say, please email her for details. We want everyone's feedback and ideas, regardless of how long it's been since you attended Club events!!